
  • How does it work?


Organize a Circle

Get together with other people, select the topic you are interested in training on, and choose a name for your circle (group).


We recommend that each group have a CIRCLE FACILITATOR.

This is a member of the circle, interested not only in growing himself, but in leading others to grow in faith. He is the “animator” of the circle, and also acts as a bridge between the fellow and the other members.

He calls the people who are going to be part of the circle, helps them register on the virtual platform, contacts whoever manages access to the materials, assists the group with the agenda and meeting reminders.


Enroll in the course

The next step is to fill out the form with the information of everyone who will participate. After that, we will write to everyone to give them access to the course and put them in contact with the Fellow.


Training meetings or “Newmanian circles”

These meetings (three for each topic) can be held as frequently as you decide – weekly, biweekly, monthly. During these meetings, you can contact the Fellow to ask questions, connect, and more.


Course closure

We propose a fourth closing face-to-face meeting with the Fellow, when possible, to clarify questions, deepen the topics, and generate a personal bond with the rest of those who participate in the Newman Academy.



la radicalidad cristiana curso
Christian radicality: holiness, not peace

fr. Joseph Piper

The invisible world

FR. Juan Poodts

The salvation outside the Church

fr. Ignacio Llorente

Literature in the formation of the person

S. Teresa Harrel

Faith and feelings

fr. Máximo Stöck

  • F.A.Q
1. Do the courses have a cost?
All Newman Academy courses are free.
2. What are the technical requirements to do it?

In order to take the course you must have a cell phone and/or computer with internet access, a Gmail account and a Zoom account.

3. Can I do it at my own pace?

Yes, each group chooses the frequency with which it meets to view, read and discuss the material from each meeting.

4. How do I sign up?
Go to: How does it work?
5. How long does each course last?
All courses consist of 3 training meetings or “circles”, and a closing meeting. The total duration of the course will depend on the frequency with which your group meets to hold these meetings.
6. Can I do it alone, without a group?
Having a group of friends is not mandatory, but it is much more enriching. We advise you to find two or three friends who will accompany you on this adventure, and who can grow together in their faith and at the same time intellectually.