The salvation outside the Church

Do people who die without being baptized go to heaven?
Jesus said in Mark 16 that those who are baptized and believe will be saved. What will happen then to those who do not believe, or those who have not been baptized Catholic? While we cannot answer this question with certainty, both Newman and the Word of God give us some criteria to help us answer this question. This course will explore the need for holiness as a criterion for entrance into heaven. The means the Church gives us to attain that holiness. And how God in his providence works even through channels not known to us in those who are not fully incorporated into the Church.

  • Topics
  • Can all be saved… or only some? Who? What does Newman tell us about this?
  • The role of the Church in our salvation.
  • Does the Voice of God reach all men (pagans and believers)?
*Only the member of the group who will coordinate the meetings.
*If you are taking the course on your own, without a group.
*All other members must complete this form to access the material.
  • Tu instructor

Fr. Ignacio Llorente


Ignacio Llorente is a priest of the Saint John Society. He completed his secondary studies at the Escuela Argentina Modelo (Buenos Aires). Before joining the Saint John Society he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina (Buenos Aires). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (Buenos Aires), and a Licentiate in Pastoral Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome), through Sacred Heart Major Seminary (Detroit).
As a priest of the Saint John Society he has been Chaplain of the Newman Center at Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon), pastor of St Patrick parish (Portland, Oregon) and pastor of Saint Mary’s parish (Corvallis, Oregon). He also assists in evangelization for Hispanic immigrants in the United States through the St. Juan Diego program.

He currently lives in Portland, Oregon, USA, where he is pastor of St. Michael Parish. From there he works with young professionals and adults in SSJ evangelization programs. He is also guiding the development of a new SSJ pastoral center in West Linn, Oregon.

The Truth has been accepted in the world not because of its character as a system, nor because of books, nor because of argumentation, nor because of the temporal power that supported it, but because of the personal influence of those who testified, being at the same time teachers and models.

John Henry Newman

Oxford University Sermons, V

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The salvation outside the Church